March 27, 2022
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I had two Escobars.”
- Ken Alexander in an email to me the day after I posted keepers.
Ken’s roster freeze email started off:
Etc. (notice, no first initials?)
When I looked at his roster, the first name on my sheet was 1B F Schwindel of the Cubs
The next name was 2B A Escobar of the Nats.
Easy enough. Except it wasn’t because Ken didn’t even know he had Alcides. I fixed it last night, in case you haven’t noticed. But this solidifies a comment he made a few weeks (months?) ago about him becoming a “good owner.” That’s a term he coined years ago. Ask me, or him, about it in Vegas.
Speaking of good owners (different meaning), as I mentioned in an earlier email, but wanted to get it down in a newsletter for posterity, Dan Burchfield has rejoined with Steve Spence and son Jared (don’t even know if Jared was born yet) to run team six. Their new name will be Bat to the Bone.
Now to a couple of more serious issues:
When Glenn signed the contract for the draft room, there was a checkbox for power strips for laptops, so he checked it because it appeared to be included with the contract. In the land of free hotel rooms, but $40/night resort fees, nothing could be further from the truth. It appears Caesar’s Entertainment does not do this in-house, but contracts it out – at a cost of $503 for power strip rental plus labor to install and remove them. (That’s $3 more than it costs us rent the room.) When Glenn complained that this extra cost was not specified in the contract, they dropped the “rental” but said they’d still need to charge us $291 for labor. We said to forget the power strips. So bring a power strip and/or extension cord in your luggage.
Also, Harrah’s did note that we need masks in the room. Rarely ever has anyone come into the room during the draft, and we will not enforce this mandate. However, since everyone has to wear masks on planes, just bring yours into the room and lay it on the table somewhere within reach just in case. We don’t need to give them any reason to jack up our rate. They like us because we’re there every year and we don’t leave a mess. Because of our history with them, they have raised our price in over a decade and we’d like to keep it that way.
See everybody in Vegas!