CRL News

March 25, 2011


Really short his time.  First, I’ve updated all the rosters on the AllStar Stats site.

Second, so, far, this is who I have in for Bautista’s on Thursday:

Ken (Will be a little late)


Glenn (may be a little late), Dennis, Little d

Terry & Rich +2


Spence  (May be a little late)

Jim P

Jim F

Marcus & Matt

Weve, Vern & Scott T.


The draft is at 10 am Friday, 4/1 in the KoKo room at the IP.


League Expenses worked out to be $90 per team this year - $540 for the stat service, $425 for the draft room and $65 to Kinko’s for the draft sheets and a couple of sharpies.  That works out to almost $86/team, so we’ll call it an even $90 and have a bit of a cushion for any unexpected expenses.  What that means is, if you paid the minimum $250, you have $140 in your account.  So a lot of us will have bills when they come out at the end of April.


Finally, we had three name changes – and you know I have to comment on them.


After his off-season flirtation with retirement, Ken has changed his team name to “The Urban Meyers.”  If it happens again, will he change his name to the Brett Favres?


If you don’t know, Scott does not know how to throw in the towel.  He finished in 7th place last year, 10 points out of 5th.  Yet he still expanded his roster.  Given his never-say-die attitude, he’s renamed his team “Rally Time.”


Marcus and Matt have also changed monikers.  Henceforth, they will be known as the “AAA All Stars.”  I understand the AAA part, but All Stars?


See everybody in Vegas.

