CRL News


March 19, 2005


"I have confidence in my ability to go out and play the game and everything is going to be fine."

-- Joe McEwing after being released by the Mets.


Is it just me, or does that sound a lot like the cliché lessons in Bull Durham?


Well, I don’t have confidence in my ability to put out updates in a timely fashion anymore.  I tried this cream that was supposed to increase my motivation, but it didn’t work so I stopped using it – besides, it wasn’t illegal at the time.  It’s a long off-season, a grind, and without some “boost” I’ve gotten a little lax in my duties as far as updates.  It’s time to crank something out, though, since the draft is two weeks from today.


Before we get to important dates ‘n stuff, here’s a few items of note (otherwise know as things to keep Spencer’s mind off the worry that Willy Tavarez won’t get sent down before the draft which would keep him from being taken with the first minor-league draft pick):


Kerr, you can’t wimp out by giving Mike Stanley’s Cup to Glenn some night at National’s – you’ve got to get it through airline security and present it in Vegas.


Spence, Scott and Dan decided that their Power Alley was too deep and drives just died out there, so they are changing their name to “Big Balls.”  Personally, I think if those balls are really bigger than other balls, they should be tested for illegal substances and suspended if anything is found.  Of course, if there is no trace of alcohol in the test, we know they’ve been using masking agents, since absence of alcohol in the blood of any CRL member is expressly prohibited.


Doug, who has been talking up his three closers for months, was finally able to unload Danny Kolb to Ken for Rafael Furcal.  So that puts one less team in the running for the Rockies’ closer de jour.


Now, the housekeeping items.


The draft is Saturday, April 2 in the Cocoa room (same one as last year) at the IP.


Roster-Freeze day is Sunday, March 27.  Cutoff is 8 p.m. Central Time.  I realize this is Easter, and some of you may have to do stuff with your kids, but we need time to prepare for the draft.  You can always send me your keepers early.  I’ll be here by the phone, but email is the preferred way to get your keepers to me.  I will update the rosters on AllStar Stats before I go to bed that night, so everyone will know the keepers first thing Monday morning.


I have updated the rosters on the AllStar Stats site to reflect the keepers from the linked players cleanup last month.  If you end up keeping a player who is on your reserve list now, it’ll cost you $5 to activate the player from reserve.


Since this is the third year following our scratch draft, this is the first time we’ve had to deal with long-term contracts in awhile.  If you need a refresher on the rules, it’s here.


League expenses this year are $80/team.  This comes out of the initial payment you sent in and covers things like stat fees, cost of the meeting room, and my bill at Kinkos for making copies of the draft sheets we post on the wall.  This only leaves $170 out of your initial $250 payment for salaries and transaction fees.  Depending on how many contracts you sign, you may end up owing money once the draft is over.  We’re not going to make you pay it in Vegas (it’ll be added to your April transaction fees and be due in May) but I wanted to make you aware that you may not have a big an initial credit as you think.


Please go to the AllStar Stats site and update your address/phone/email information.


See ya in Vegas.

